Intervention areas

The response to climate change and adaptation initiatives often involves the implementation of environmental sustainability measures and initiatives.



Sustainability plays a fundamental role in combating climate change, being a key principle for achieving effective and lasting climate action, as it seeks to balance economic, social and environmental development, and guarantee the preservation of natural resources and the quality of life of present and future generations. Among other things, sustainability plays a crucial role in reducing GHG emissions, namely by reducing the consumption of natural resources and managing waste properly, and in raising awareness and educating society about climate issues. Through environmental education and the dissemination of accurate and reliable information, it is possible to promote a greater understanding of climate challenges and encourage the adoption of more sustainable behaviours.


good practises/initiatives

Raising Awareness of Climate Action in Schools

Every year, at the beginning of each school year, the municipality of Loulé distributes the comic strip “Special Report - Adaptation to Climate Change in Portugal” to 5th, 6th and 7th grade students. This award-winning comic was the only Portuguese and Iberian project nominated for the “Best Climate Solutions 2018” award, and was produced during the ClimAdapt.Local project.

Theatre Play "CLIMAAT100"

Local Voluntary Carbon Market and Carbon Neutrality

OMAT of Loulé | Municipal Observatory for the Environment and Territory of Loulé

Environmental Education Equipment

Climate Week

Loulé Municipality’s Urban Vegetable Gardens

Zero Waste Movement

Selective Collection of Bio-waste

Implementation of Loulé Municipality's Online Services

Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment and Conciliation

(+) More Sustainable Urban Waste Management

Dematerialisation and Digitalisation of Municipal Services

Renovation and Extension of Drinking Fountains in Schools

Implementation of the Electronic Invoice for School Meals

Turismo Criativo

Loulé Design Lab

Loulé Municipal Park

Loulé Municipal Park

Adaptações – Environment and dance Project

Adaptações – Environment and dance Project

Environmental education

Environmental education

Theater play "CLIMAAT100"

Theater play "CLIMAAT100"

Delivery of the “Reportagem Especial – Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas em Portugal" comic book

Delivery of the “Reportagem Especial – Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas em Portugal" comic book


how to contribute

The individual effort of each one of us has important positive impacts in reducing GHG emissions and consequently in adapting to climate change:


Promote climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives in your home, in your workplace, in your neighbourhood.


Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle.


Plant a tree! Five trees absorb about a ton of CO2 over their lifetime.


Consume local and seasonal products. They are healthier, more environmentally friendly, require less energy for their production and transport.


Be aware of all projects that involve public participation and Participate!


Use as little paper as possible.