Intervention areas

In Portugal, the transport sector is the second largest source of GHG emissions, which makes sustainable mobility a priority area.



Mobility is one of the main challenges facing urban centres. According to the National Strategy for Active Pedestrian Mobility 20301, over the last decade the need to change the mobility paradigm has been consolidated as climate change worsens, traffic
congestion intensifies, air quality worsens and road accidents increase.

According to the National Energy and Climate Plan 2030 (PNEC 2030), transport is the sector that consumes the most energy in Portugal. Setting a target for 2030 of reducing GHG emissions in the transport sector by 40 per cent compared to 2005, the PNEC 2030 establishes “Promoting Sustainable Mobility” as one of its main objectives, through modal shift and better functioning public transport networks, promoting electric and active mobility, as well as car-sharing services and the use of clean alternative fuels.

From this point of view, it is necessary to find alternatives to the use of individual motorised transport, with an increasingly important modal shift towards public transport and, whenever possible, complementing it with soft means of transport (such as cycling or walking), thus creating a change in lifestyle with significant gains also for physical fitness and an overall improvement in individual health.


good practises/initiatives

Mobility management is particularly important at local level, and some of the most important measures are defined and implemented within the municipality’s scope, particularly when it comes to adapting the urban space to active modes of mobility. In this context, the municipality of Loulé has been implementing measures that are aligned with the climate action and environmental safeguard policy, including:

Development of Cycling Infrastructures and Bicycle Parking Facilities

To promote cycling mobility, the municipality of Loulé has focused on developing and implementing urban requalification projects and remodeling public spaces, integrating cycling network infrastructure solutions (bicycle lanes, shared pavements, one-way and two-way cycle paths, bicycle parking, etc.) that contribute to boosting and promoting the use of bicycles in daily urban journeys. In all the projects and works carried out, we seek to comply with the sustainable mobility planning documents for the municipality and urban areas, following good practices and existing technical instructions, to develop a safe, connected, legible urban cycle network with good use levels. For monitoring purposes, and whenever possible, cycle counting devices are installed as a way of obtaining results, gauging the use of the infrastructure and monitoring its performance.

Implementing bicycle parking areas, complying with the technical standards defined for safety and usefulness, provides urban public spaces and municipal facilities with infrastructures that enable and support the promotion of bicycle use on daily urban mobility routes.

In schools in particular, in addition to the bicycle parking facilities, the equipment has been installed to support the daily maintenance of bicycles with basic workshop parts/accessories and pumps for inflating its tyres.

Shared-Use Bicycle Systems

"Bicycle goes to School" Project

Municipal Fleet

Urban Public Transport

Metrominuto - Pedestrian Mobility

Network of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Electric Mobility Working Group

"BoleiasCML" Programme

School Transport

European Mobility Week

Bicycle Parking Network

Bicycle Parking Network

Loulé City Council Shared Bikes

Loulé City Council Shared Bikes

Avenida José da Costa Mealha

Avenida José da Costa Mealha

Quinta do Lago - Pista Ciclável

Quinta do Lago - Pista Ciclável

Iniciativa Par(king) Day - Ocupa o teu Lugar na Cidade

Iniciativa Par(king) Day - Ocupa o teu Lugar na Cidade

Avenida do Atlântico - Pista Ciclável

Avenida do Atlântico - Pista Ciclável

Apanha-me! - Loulé Public Transportation

Apanha-me! - Loulé Public Transportation

Vilamoura Public Bikes

Vilamoura Public Bikes

Shared Bikes in Schools Project

Shared Bikes in Schools Project

Metrominuto Loulé

Metrominuto Loulé


how to contribute

Change your mode of locomotion, adopting more sustainable forms of mobility:


Increase travel on foot, by bicycle and by public transport.


When traveling in motorized vehicles, adopt the principles of eco-driving.


Promote and use car sharing systems.