

  • 1. Loule's Municipality Climate Action Plan

  • 2. Brochure "Climate Change in Loulé: Development of a Local Climate Action Policy"

  • 2. Loulé Municipal Contingency Plan for Drought Periods

  • 3. Non-Technical Summary - Loulé Municipal Contingency Plan for Drought Periods

  • 4. Plano Local de Ação Integrada do Município de Loulé

  • 5. Loulé Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan

  • 6. Brochure "Climate Change in Loulé: Development of a Municipal Adaptation Strategy"

  • 7. Loulé's Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

  • 8. Smart Cities Magazine — Article: Sustainable mobility as a response to the climate challenge

  • 9. Adaptation — A thematic summary for companies

  • 10. Climate Change - Human Health

  • 11. AJAP — Climate Change and Agriculture

  • 12. APEA — Energy and Climate Change

  • 13. EC — Climate Change: what is it about?

  • 14. Comic Book — Special Report: Adaptation to climate change in Portugal

  • 15. ADENE — Energy Efficiency Guide

  • 16. ECOSAFE: Guide to Efficient Use of Household Appliances

  • 17. EDP — Practical Guide to Energy Efficiency

  • 18. Sustainable LC — Newsletter 12

  • 19. CML — Intense Cold: Learn How to Protect Yourself

  • 20. CML — Forest Fires: Prevention depends on everyone

  • 21. CML — Water Courses: Preventive Measures

  • 22. CML – Heatwave: Learn how to protect yourself

  • 23. CML — Thunderstorms: Learn How to Protect Yourself

  • 24. Urban Agenda for the EU - Pact of Amsterdam

  • 25. Metrominuto of Loulé

  • 26. Letter of Commitment - Network of Municipalities for Local Adaptation to Climate Change

  • 27. Preserve your environment and keep your street clean

  • 28. Quarteira Lab - Newsletter #1 - january of 2019

  • 29. Urban Agenda for the EU - Climate Adaptation Partnership Action Plan

  • 30. Composition and Operating Rules of the Climate Action Local Council in Loulé

  • 31. Metrominuto of Quarteira

  • 32. To make a burning, it is mandatory to inform

  • 33. BEACON (flyer)

  • 34. BEACON (booklet)

  • 35. Agenda of the 6th Meeting of the Loucal Coucil for Climate Action in Loulé

  • 36. Guide to Good Practices for Sustainability in the Management and Efficient Use of Water in Loulé

  • 37. Guide for Local Consumption

  • 38. Quarteira Lab - Newsletter #2 - august of 2020

  • 39. Brochure “Campos de Lapiás”

  • 40. Brochure “Encostas do Cadoiço”

  • 41. 2023 Climate Week

  • 42. 101 Fun Ways of Saving Water

  • 44. 2024 Climate Week

  • 45 - Flyer The Water Crisis


  • The Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Strategies (MCCAS, such as the Loulé MCCAS, aim to increase knowledge about climate change, providing municipalities with greater adaptive capacity, in order to promote a coherent response to the local/municipal territory. multiple issues related to climate change.

  • Extreme events are phenomena resulting from anomalous meteorological situations, such as heat waves, excessive precipitation, droughts, floods, strong winds, etc. These phenomena cause impacts that constitute an effective danger to the population and property, in addition to causing very serious economic, social and environmental damage.

    Adaptation is essential, each citizen must individually consider a series of actions for their protection and security.

  • Refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity

  • Defined as the probability of occurrence of harmful consequences or losses (death, injuries, goods, means of production, interruptions in economic activities or environmental impacts), which result from the interaction between the climate, human-induced hazards and the conditions of vulnerability of the systems (adapted from ISO 31010.2009, UNISDR,2011).

  • The capacity of social, economic, and environmental systems to cope with a hazardous event or trend or disturbance, responding or reorganizing in ways that maintain their essential function, identity, and structure, while also maintaining the capacity for adaptation, learning, and transformation (IPCC, 2014a).

  • The ability of systems, institutions, humans and other organisms to adjust to potential damage, to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences (IPCC, 2014).

  • Adaptation is a process of adjustment of the natural and/or human system to respond to the effects of current or expected climate.

    In human systems, adaptation seeks to moderate or avoid harm, as well as exploiting benefits and opportunities. In some natural systems, human intervention may facilitate adjustments to the expected climate and its effects (IPCC, 2014b).

  • Heatwave - Protect yourself!

    Protect yourself by adopting the following measures:

    • Keep windows open and shades closed during the day to allow air to circulate;
    • Open windows at night to refresh your home;
    • If you feel very hot, have a tepid shower - never a cold one;
    • Stay in a cool place for at least 2-3 hours a day;
    • Pay special attention to people who are alone, elderly, fragile or with dependency needs. Help them to protect themselves from the heat;
    • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight especially between 11 am and 5 pm. Go to the beach either early in the morning or late in the afternoon;
    • Drink water or natural fruit juice regularly, even when you are not thirsty;
    • Encourage elderly people to drink 1 litre or more of water a day than usual;
    • Wear light cotton clothing;
    • NEVER leave children, elderly people, or sick people inside vehicles exposed to the sun.
  • High temperatures

    Contribua da seguinte forma:

    • Remove dry undergrowth and grass from around your house in an area of at least 50m;
    • Keep your property clear of dry undergrowth, as well as from waste from farming or forestry (pruning, dead branches etc);
    • Ask your neighbours to keep their properties clean;
    • Always keep the paths on your property clear;
    • Store wood, flammable fuels and chemicals away from the house and secure them in a safe isolated place;
    • Keep flammable materials (wood, paper, clothes etc.) away from possible sources of ignition (candles, paraffin or gas lamps);
    • Place 6kg fire extinguisher, a spark restraint system and flash back arrestors in the exhaust pipes of agricultural or forestry machinery;
    • During the critical period and also outside of it, whenever the risk of fire is high, no bonfires should be lit;
    • Outside of the critical period, never light an open fire in windy conditions, only in damp weather and far from the forest limits. NEVER leave bonfires to burn unattended;
    • Do not carry out any fumigation or disinfestations in apiaries using fumigators not fitted with a spark restraint system;
    • Remove dry leaves, pine needles and branches from your roof;
    • Cut trees that pose a threat of fire to the dwelling;
    • Divide cultivable land areas with fire protection closures (paths) to prevent the passage of flames from one to another;
    • Keep some tools (picks, shovels and hoses) in an easily accessible place to help in firefighting;
    • Pyrotechnic products must not be used during the critical period.
    • In case of fire: 
    • Call 112 immediately or the fire department of your area (Loulé Fire Brigade – +351 289 400 560).
  • Drought

    What to do during a severe drought:

    • Do not fill ponds or swimming pools. You may be consuming water other people need;
    • Slightly close safety taps, thereby reducing the water flow;
    • In the case of water cuts, store only the amount you will need. Do not waste left-over water, reuse it!;
    • During a drought, water quality may deteriorate. Where there is any doubt concerning the quality of drinking water, boil it for ten minutes before drinking.
  • Floods

    It is very important:

    • To know the warning signs of floods and evacuation procedures;
    • To get home and contents insurance;
    • To keep calm and convey calm to others;
    • To turn off power and disconnect the gas and water supplies;
    • To be prepared for possible evacuation that can only be ordered in duly justified cases of absolute necessity. Obey immediately!;
    • Keep away from affected areas.