
Loulé's Municipal Climate Action Plan enters into a period of public participation

17 Mar 2021

Between March 18 and 31, takes place the period of public participation of the Municipal Climate Action Plan of Loulé, a strategic instrument that defines the future framework of action at the municipal level in the context of climate emergency that the Planet is going through.

At a time when this is an issue that has, increasingly, a strong impact on public opinion, and for which the population is increasingly aware and alert, the Municipality of Loulé believes it is essential that citizens have a say in this process of drafting the Plan. This is the moment when interested parties can make their contribution, presenting suggestions that enrich the guiding document, and they can do so through the Participa Portal (

Over the past few years, Loulé has been one of the Portuguese municipalities committed to combating climate change, in line with the global agenda, and the Loulé Council has sought to promote, throughout the municipal territory, a coherent response to the multiple issues related to the climate change. In this way, having a previous base work (the Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change of Loulé), as well as a political vision and technical knowledge related to the subject, the Municipality developed the Municipal Climate Action Plan of Loulé. It is a guiding instrument, with a precise spatial and sectorial character, based on a program composed of measures, lines of intervention and priority actions, explaining the forms of integration in municipal planning instruments, and based on a coherent model of management and monitoring .

It should be noted that the involvement of the community in the development of this Plan has been present since the beginning, as its preparation counted with the contribution and participation of the members of the Local Monitoring Council, which includes associations, NGOs (Non-governmental environmental organizations ), universities, companies, schools, parish councils, local and regional public entities, among other agents present in the territory.

It should be noted that, from this moment on, the Local Monitoring Council continues to play an essential role in monitoring the actions provided for in the Plan.