
Project “In the Swimming Pool We Take Care of the Water” - Awareness Sessions in the Municipal Swimming Pools of Loulé and Quart

18 Jun 2021

In the municipality of Loulé, the efficient and sustainable management of water resources is one of the priority areas of action within the scope of municipal climate action, with an emphasis on the water performance of municipal buildings, particularly sports facilities. It is in this context that “In the Swimming Pool We Take Care of Water”, a project integrated in the Priority Action “Reuse of Water from Municipal Swimming Pools” of the Municipal Plan for Climate Action of Loulé, whose main objective is to study the potential for using water volumes rejected daily from municipal swimming pools and possible solutions for their reuse, for non-priority uses, in situ or in the vicinity of the aforementioned facilities.

In addition to the technical component (characterization of the reference situation, proposal, sizing and implementation of solutions and/or systems necessary for the reuse of swimming pool water), this project, under development in the Municipal Swimming Pools of Loulé and Quarteira, also includes the implementation of measures and practices for a more efficient use of water in these spaces and a strong component of awareness and education, aimed at employees and users, and which will involve the promotion of various initiatives and moments, with the aim of raising awareness and involving them in the co-production of knowledge about the value of water and the alternative sources of water for non-drinking urban uses and in the adoption and promotion of more environmentally aware and sustainable behaviors in relation to the use of water, both in these sports facilities and in their daily lives. -morning.

The first initiative was the holding of training sessions for employees of the Municipal Swimming Pools of Quarteira and Loulé, on April 15th and 16th. Streamlined in an informal record of debate and conversation, the following topics were addressed: description of the various stages of treatment of the water used in swimming pools, with an explanation in simple language of all processes and consumption necessary for the pool and support services to function and everything is as the users need; the issue of conflict between the numerous uses of water in urban areas; the price/value of water and the importance of efficient use; the importance of the relationship between water and energy, and consequences on carbon emissions.