
"Teacher's Exchange" - Loulé

30 Sep 2021

Given the current and urgent response to Climate Change in general, and in education in particular, we inform you about the event Three4Climate - Teacher's Exchange Portugal, which will take place on 6 and 7 October – at EBI Professor Sebastião Teixeira – Salir, the school that integrates the Padre João Coelho Cabanita – Loulé Group of Schools.
The EBI of Salir will host an exchange of European teachers (Germany and Portugal), a program for exchanging experiences on their practices in dealing with the topic of Climate Action in schools in their countries.

This meeting follows on from the Three4Climate project, a project that results from partnerships established by the Municipality of Loulé.

This is a European project designed to promote collaboration and sharing of learning about Climate Action, which schools have embraced in partnership with the respective Municipalities, Loulé and Braga.

The Three4Climate project presupposes a working platform at a horizontal level – between cities and schools in the three countries of the current trio of the presidency of the European Council (Germany, Slovenia and Portugal), as well as at a vertical level, bringing cities, municipalities, ministries together up to the European/ EU Council level.

Promoted by the German Ministry of Environment (BMU) through the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) and mediated in Portugal by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, this project intends, as far as education and schools are concerned, to contribute to a joint action in the preparation of/and decision-making relevant to climate action, within the framework of the Paris Agreement, Agenda 2030, Green Accord and/or others, aimed at achieving the ultimate objective of the EU Council, regarding the achievement of carbon neutrality on our continent by 2050.

Many of the joint activities between schools from the three participating countries have been carried out in digital format, with the purpose of adapting to the constraints of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, due to the improvement of the epidemiological situation in Germany and Portugal, on the next 6th and 7th of October, it will be possible for teachers to meet in person to exchange experiences in Loulé and jointly explore the best way to integrate education for the sustainability and climate action in the school curriculum.

For now, the fact that the two professors from Bielefeld, Germany, have proposed to make their trip to Loulé with the smallest possible carbon footprint, so they will only travel in electric vehicles and trains, raising awareness. so all his followers for sustainable mobility issues, showing that another way of traveling is possible, emphasizing the need to reduce CO2 emissions not only in commuting to and from work, but also in areas of development such as tourism.

More information about the project, activities carried out and resulting products: